Linggo, Hulyo 26, 2015

ONLINE ASSIGNMENT 6     (Me and My Family)


“Treasure… that is what you are, you’re my golden star.”
             This is a line from the song “Treasure” by Bruno Mars. This is the best thing that describes how much I value my Family. I may not have gold and luxurious things, and all the wealth in this world, but I am very proud to say that I have a Family not perfect but blessed. They are the best blessing that God has given me. They mean a lot to me, without them my life would be nonsense for they give meaning to my existence here in this world. They are my inspiration why I am doing my best in everything and my source of strength whenever I am in pain. My Family is one of my best buddies who cheers me up whenever I am down, especially my siblings, their naughtiness and jolliness makes me forget all my problems. No matter what happens, they are always there for me, loving, caring, and supporting me.
             Life would really be different if I didn’t have them. The Family who accepted me fully and made me feels that I really belong. They treat me as their true daughter and sister. They taught me many things about life that I would take with me for the rest of my life. They taught me how to love unconditionally, to be contented with what I have, and most of all they taught me how to cherish every moment in my life and to value the people around me. No Family is perfect; therefore, I must appreciate what I have now because not everyone is as lucky as me to have a Family that cares for each other through out all the different circumstances.
             My Family is a circle of strength: founded on faith, joined in love, and kept by God together and forever.

Biyernes, Hulyo 10, 2015

Expanded Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Human Needs, Self- Actualization, Humanistic Psychology

  Expanded Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Human Needs,                                                Self- Actualization, Humanistic Psychology


1. How do these fulfilled needs contribute to our society?
       These fulfilled needs can contribute to our society by performing it or applying it in our daily lives. It can be a great help to have a peaceful community where everyone is concerned. We all know that each one of us are part of the society so, our behavior as an individual reflects on our environment, whether we are all good citizens able to help others, of course our society appears to be a good one and a harm-free.

2. Why do we need to perform or satisfy all the needs in the lower part to self- actualize? Can't we just escape the others?

           To attain SUCCESS, we have to undergo on a process or follow some steps. That is why we have to satisfy first our basic needs before going to the next higher and difficult ones. We also need to do it step-by-step because the lower needs contributes learnings for us to be able to step up and move to the higher needs. The basic needs plays an important role for us to continue our living in such ways.
          In some points, we can escape some needs, it depends on us on how we view things. But, for me, just don't escape anything because as what I have said, every level is important, it brings up new learnings for us to be molded and to be useful ones.

Linggo, Hulyo 5, 2015


Simple, bubbly, helpful, and dreamer, these words best describes the real me.

I am Mylyn Quines, 16 years old, residing at P-7A, Marcelina, Bayugan City, Agusan Del Sur. My parents separated since I was only 9 months old. Currently, I am happily living with my real loving and supportive mother Mrs. Ludivina Quines Rivera a housekeeper, my step-father Mr. Joel Ticod Rivera a farmer, and with my 4 half-siblings namely; Jonel, Jonathan, John Laurence and the youngest Maizhel. Despite the fact that I am the child of the first man, still, they treated me and accepted me fully. I am so grateful to God for having them as my family. Despite of being poor, we are still living with faith in God and trust in ourselves.

In my life, I have already accepted that I don’t have a golden voice like the others. I have my own talent, strength or characteristics to be proud of. I appreciate my personality being simple and unique. I firmly believe in the saying, “Simplicity is Beauty” because for me, we don’t need to be a ‘fashionista’ or ‘sossy’ just to be considered as beautiful, just be yourself and show your uniqueness, show the real you, that is beauty. I also appreciate my uniqueness as a human being and as a creature of God, accepting who I am and what I have. Lastly, I really appreciate myself being jolly and having sense of humor. In my existence here in this world, I have experienced achievements which motivates me to keep on going and to always do my best. I have achieved being an honor student and also I have achieved the PNUAT as well as the interview. And also being one of the Provincial Scholars which is a great help not only for me but also for my family. Physically, I Love My face, because it can hide the bad feelings I have inside of me. Other people cannot determine whenever I am sad because my face always appears happy and worry- free.

That's me... MYLYN, IMPERFECT but not FAKE.

ONLINE ASSIGNMENT 3   ( Self-esteem, Inner confidence, Self talk)

            After watching the video about self- esteem, inner confidence, and self talk, I’ve realized that as a creature of God, we should be proud and accept who we are and what we have. We shouldn’t look down ourselves remember, we are valuable individuals. I’ve also realized that having self-confidence and self-trust are really important in shaping our personality. We can reflect it to our own; sometimes we are throwing unnecessary words to ourselves because we lack confidence and trust. In fact, each one of us should know our real personality and characteristics because we are the ones who are bringing it.